Oracle 12c Create a Pluggable Container DB From Seed & Changing Containers

# Creating a pluggable container from the seed container pdb$seed
# First create a data sub-directory under the root container cdb$root data directory as follows (your path may vary to your oradata dir):
# while logged in as the oracle / Linux user that admins the 12c database

cd /u01/app/oracle/product/
mkdir pdbmf11g
cd pdbmf11g

# BTW – I named this PDBMF11G because this was an 11g database, that I am migrating some of the schemas into a PDB (another post or two)


# then connected to cdb$root as sys or with dba privs execute the following create pluggable using the seed pdb$seed:

create pluggable database pdbmf11g
admin user mf11g identified by password

# make all the pluggable databases open when the root does – works on the next shutdown / startup cycle

after startup
on database
execute immediate ‘alter pluggable database all open’;
END open_all_pdbs;

# Changing containers

alter session set container=pdbmf11g;
show con_name
con_name PDBMF11G
select * from v$containers;


alter session set container=cdb$root;
show con_name
con_name CDB$ROOT

Hope this helps, Mike

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