EBS R12.2 Check active adop patching cycle status and other useful adop information

Determine patching status on R12.2 with adop
The adop online patching utility is located in $AD_TOP/bin – which may or may not be in your path.
To check the status of adop patching do this.

adop -status

Many normal maintenance procedures and adpreclone require the status to be inactive.
Miscellaneous adop info
The normal adop patching cycle looks like this.

adop phase=prepare
adop phase=apply patches=<patch_number1>,<patch_number2> workers=<number_of_worker>
adop phase=finalize workers=<number_of_worker> (called automatically)
adop phase=cutover workers=<number_of_worker>
adop phase=cleanup (called automatically)
adop phase=abort
adop phase=fs_clone

Here’s an Oracle Support Doc ID that trains you with a series of short “adop” related videos:

E-Business Suite – ADOP Basic Usage Training Videos [Video] (Doc ID 2103131.1)

The “adop” online patching utility differs from adpatch and opatch in that it can look for patches in a specific directory.  This is:


The environment variable PATCH_TOP points at the absolute path


It is not clear – if this directory is used automatically by default – or you have to cd into the patch directory – I am researching
Using admsi.pl – to generate patching instructions
Set your display and:

cd $AD_TOP/bin

Using various apply_mode features
apply_mode=<one of the following>
online (default)
Downtime apply mode is new to 12.2.4 I hear.
Hotpatch should only be used when the patch directions clearly state that it can or should be used.  Backing out of hotpatch mode can be a pain.
Oracle’s adop documentation as of today
Oracle’s adop documentation as of 05/18/2017

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