Installing, configuring, and starting noip DUC Dynamic Update Client For EC2 Amazon Linux 2, CentOS 7, RHEL 7, Oracle Linux 7

# Installing, configuring, and starting noip DUC Dynamic Update Client For EC2 Amazon Linux 2, CentOS 7, RHEL 7, Oracle Linux 7.
For those who have not heard and care, AWS released an AMI Linux 2 image for EC2 – that is systemd based & appears to be RHEL 7 based in December of 2017.

# If you are doing this on AWS EC2 (that is what I am doing here) – make sure you have a pubic IP that at least you can get to (set up an AWS Security Group / virtual firewall rule to do that).
# If your EC2 instance will support a public website the IP will have to be opened for that too.  
# Get the rhel epel package group (extras) – that is where noip pkg is.

sudo yum install -y

# make sure enabled=1 in /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo – it probably already is enabled. If not enable=1 in epel.repo enables it.

sudo yum install -y noip2

# configure noip with your username/email / pw

noip2 -C

# “enable” the service to be started on boot
# “start” the service

sudo systemctl enable noip 
sudo systemctl start noip

# Here is what my noip looked like – I use Plus Managed DNS service thru noip – not free but won’t set you back that much.

# BTW – if you are re-using a domain name with NOIP’s Plus Managed DNS service – and have a DUC installed elsewhere for a previous OS instance with a different IP – make sure you uninstall the previous DUC.
It is also worth noting that obtaining your DNS name, and using a fixed IP (Elastic IP) thru AWS – would actually likely save you money over this approach.  I just happened to have the noip Plus Managed DNS service and a registered domain name with noip.  So, I used what I already had. 
Going forward, if the costs stay the same – I’ll just move it all to AWS.
Until I do convert to AWS Elastic IP/fixed IP and AWS Route 53 (for DNS management), every time I stop or reboot the EC2 instance the IP can change.
To give you an idea of what AWS will charge for a DNS name and fixed / Elastic IP… for another of my domains I paid AWS $11 to register and about 51 cents per month for DNS and Elastic IP combined – that is much less than noip and most other cloud hosting services.

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