Here is an example of how to run Oracle's new command line SQLCI tool

Here is an example of how to run Oracle new command line SQLCI tool – a super sqlplus based on SQLDeveloper.
If you installed 4.1 or higher of SQLDeveloper (and included java in the download) in: C:\sqlDeveloper413 here is the command to run sqlcl with /nolog to get to SQL> prompt.
All on one line:

C:\sqlDeveloper413\jdk\jre\bin\java  -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dapple.awt.UIElement=true -jar C:\sqldeveloper413\sqlcl\lib\oracle.sqldeveloper.sqlcl.jar /nolog

Simply modify the SQLDeveloper home parts of the command – substitute your home for C:\sqldeveloper413
connect string syntax can be accomplished with either of the following formats:


Hope this helps, Mike

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