Centrify misconfiguration causes CRS-2877: Owner 'grid' of the entity 'ora.asm' does not belong to the 'asmdba' group.

CRS-2877: Owner ‘oracle’ of the entity ‘ora.asm’ does not belong to the ‘dba’ group.
External authentication is the issue.  We were using Centrify for external authentication.  Here’s the solution if you are using Centify – if you are using another external authentication, the tool service would likely change.
While the Centrify is started login to the account you need to run a command (e.g. grid user, to run runInstaller, or asmca ).  Once logged in, turn off the Centrify service (see commands below).  Once Centrify is off no logins are allowed but you can proceed with your install.
Commands to get a Unix Admin to stop/start Centrify:
linux is:
service centrifydc stop
service centrifydc start
aix is
stopsrc -s centrify-sshd
and startsrc
Restart centrify again so logins are allowed.

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