Methods To Analyze Performance and Debug Oracle SQL and PL/SQL

Just a categorized list of Oracle performance tools at this stage…
Oracle Enterprise Manager – OEM Tools – OEM 12 and forward

AWR Reports - Historical Windows
ASH Reports - Real Time
SQL Advisor 
SQL Profiler - uses active or historical
GUI Explain Plan
Top Active SQL - under performance tab
and then the grandfather of AWR...

PL/SQL Tools

dbms_profiler PL/SQL builtin package - standard PL/SQL profiler
dbms_hprof PL/SQL builtin package - hierarchial profiler
dbms_trace PL/SQL builtin package - detailed PL/SQL trace
dbms_application_info PL/SQL builtin - application informantion
plscope - list identifiers used in the scope of your program and packages - including standard packages

SQLPlus Tools

Explain Plan - create plan table first in schema with $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlxplan.sql
V$SESSION_LONG_OPS - View that shows long running operations / SQL
oradebug - oradebug help at sqlplus command prompt for options
AWR SQL Script - if no access to OEM Diagnostics License - $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/awrrpt.sql
ls $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/awr*.sql - for a variety awr scripts
ls $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/sp*.sql - for a variety of statspack scripts
set autotrace on -- trace will be displayed after each SQL execution
alter session set sql_trace = TRUE;
You can enable SQL Trace in another session by using the DBMS_SYSTEM.SET_SQL_TRACE_IN_SESSION procedure.
e.g. EXEC DBMS_SYSTEM.set_sql_trace_in_session(sid=>&sidIwant, serial#=>&serialIwant, sql_trace=>TRUE);

SQL Developer Tools

Explain Plan - under both Monitor Sessions and Real Time SQL Monitor below
PL/SQL Debug - use Menu Item Run-> to set breaks, run, step into etc.
Top Active SQL - Menu Item Tools->Monitor Sessions
Top Active SQL - Menu Item Tools->Real Time SQL Monitor
Menu Item View->DBA

OS Tools

tkprof / trace


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